Messages from Spirit!


When children are young, they are adepts in understanding messages from Spirit--there is no need to convince them that their world is magical and that there is a natural conversation between them and spirit. As they get older, this natural inclination comes into question, perhaps from outside influences, or perhaps, even, the healthy need to question everything.

Angel Watch, Attribution:

This is when it is important to provide an environment in which they can continue to trust in the ongoing dialogue between themselves and their Source. So, for example, encourage or give permission to your children to pay attention to the messages from Spirit, their angels, and guides. Suggest they ask their angels and guides for a sign of their presence. Share your experiences with your children.

Child with Butterfly, Attribution:

Sharing your own messages from Spirit with your children...a number of years ago when it came to me that butterflies were a sign for me of Holy Spirit,

Butterfly, Attribution:

I started seeing butterflies everywhere, on a magazine cover, on a program cover, and, as it was springtime--in the yard. One day when life seemed to be rather tumultuous, I really needed some comfort. I was sitting outside, absorbing nourishment from the sun's rays, when a butterfly came close and grazed me on the cheek before continuing on its graceful wavering way. So affirming for me and for my kids.

Monarch Butterfly, Attribution:
White Feather, Attribution:

For us, white feathers are messages from Spirit, letting us know our angels are surrounding, protecting, and guiding us. We see white feathers everywhere.

Just last week, we were at the lake and my youngest son splashed his way out of the water with a sodden whitish feather in his hand. He walked over to me and handed the feather to me, exclaiming, 'Mom! our angels are with us!'

Feather on Beach, Attribution:

White feathers have shown up in the most unlikely places and unexpected ways. One day while sitting out on the back deck of our home a white feather floated from over the top of the roof, gliding gently down. Again, it came when most needed.

My eldest teasingly accuses me of deliberately puncturing a down comforter to make sure there are white feathers all over the house. But one day when we were all playing outside on the trampoline and discovered a white feather lying on the mat, it was difficult for him to use the 'comforter ruse' as an explanation!

Save these mementos from spirit. They are powerful keepsakes for those times when reminders are needed for reassurance of being on the right path and being surrounded and protected.

Immature Eagle, Attribution:

I have saved an eagle's feather I received while in Alaska on vacation when I was needing confirmation I was not alone during a challenging time. The family and I were visiting an exhibit educating passersby on the need for funds to assist the rehabilitation of injured wildlife. An immature eagle stood on her perch, grooming herself with complete disregard for her audience and happened to dislodge one of her feathers. An updraft of air carried the feather skyward and then lessened its upward direction as the feather floated sideways to pass in front of me.

White Feather, Attribution:

I considered jumping to grab for it, but then had the thought, what if I just hold my hand out and see if it comes to me? The direction of the feather's flight slightly shifted towards me and then gracefully came to rest on my open palm. Ahhh...what a nice life to receive, no forcing things to happen, allowing life to come to you with grace. Well, that eagle feather has been kept as a reminder to me and my kids. Some day I intend to frame it with the word 'GRACE' elegantly painted underneath or beside the feather.

Share your experiences with your kids when you receive a 'hit'...this will build their confidence and expectation of Divine communication. They will come to experience the ongoing conversation is as natural as breathing. Just this week, 3 days after doing a numerology exercise and coming up with the number '11' twice, my daughter noticed the clock and exclaimed 'Make a wish, it's 11:11!'

11:11, Attribution:

After I had an exclamation of amazement, I explained the significance of her observation and then joyfully, with a little lump in my throat, expressed my gratitude to the Universe for this message from Spirit. (Today while perusing a website in order to purchase music for the bookstore I manage, I came across this... The number 11 means great change, a catapulting number. When you're ready to move up in a dimensional shift there is the number 11 vibration.

Lightbox 11:11, Attribution:

Stay tuned... we can feel this happening, can't we?) I like what Collete Baron-Reid says in her book: 'Clearly, many people are nudged by numbers, receiving messages from Spirit. This often happens when 11:11 appears and Spirit whispers, "Remember the All is in the Small...body, mind, and soul. You are one with Me."' Whenever, I see this combination, I know to take notice that something significant is occurring which is in alignment with my soul's desire.

Your kids will come to know a dialogue is to be expected with the Divine as an every day occurrence. They have so much present moment awareness, they are so easily 'clued-in' to these connections if they are encouraged, supported and acknowledged. It's magical, it's fun!

Of course, the signs Spirit will use are limitless, but together with your kids in a playful way, become aware of birds, feathers, coins that repeatedly show up.

If you're interested in learning more about what meaning might be indicated by a particular animal, bird, etc., that shows up in a significant way, a highly recommended book is 'Messages From Spirit' by Collete Baron Reid. This book has a tremendous amount of valuable insight which can be used with your kids to help them understand or interpret the messages from Spirit they're receiving. What does it mean that the eagle shared one of her feathers with me?

Message from Spirit, Attribution:

Above all, have fun with this. If your kids tease, roll with it. Trust me, after the synchronicities happen often enough, the most skeptical will have no choice but admit maybe there IS something to it after all! Besides, in the formative years a foundation is being laid for the rest of their lives. Who knows how it will play out later in their lives? Spirit knows.

One last caveat, stay grounded. I've noticed it is a turnoff when it seems to kids that someone has gone overboard! Sometimes you have may have an intuition, but feel it is prudent to hold onto it silently for a bit. There's no need for creating an environment which seems way too much like the twilight zone! But even in saying this, release inhibitions, be open to the wonder!

Swan Heart, Attribution:, your gratitude to the supportive Universe, loudly, if possible!

Raising connected children gives them the security to listen to messages from Spirit.

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"This is a sweet short read of self affirmation and unconditional love and appreciation for the human spirit brought to this planet in the form of a perfect undeniably good little girl." Amazon review

I am a good girl


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