Holistic Parenting

The philosophy of holistic parenting recognizes the interdependence of all aspects of our lives, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Seeking balance in these areas for each member of the family makes for a happier whole.

This parenting style has informed my choices with respect to breastfeeding, co-sleeping, attachment parenting, spiritual community, alternatives to conventional health remedies (homeopathy, herbal, and flower essences), exercise, and healthy eating.

I am a homeschooling mom of three with a very full life of my own with my own studies for a degree in Natural Health, a part-time job, and time for spiritual instruction and nourishment.

I have discovered some practical tips to keep the home life running smoothly some of the time, if not all of the time! We all feel better when the home doesn't look like a bomb went off, which sometimes I have to admit is the way it looks!

I have some clear ideas about 'why' and tips on 'how' to homeschool which I'll be adding soon!

A child can always teach an adult three things

We have found non-drug, non-medical ways to support the physical, emotional and psychological natural health of our family (including some good, favorite, (mostly) healthy recipes!)

And exercise... yes, you'll find what I consider to be the miracle exercise regimen that fits in the busy schedule of anyone.

Holistic Parenting and Conscious Parenting go together.  By parenting consciously we pay attention to all of the cues we are receiving from our own inner processes and from the feedback from the other members of the family.  By being mindful, staying present with a spacious awareness, we can do the dance with all the interdependent aspects of daily life, our child's needs, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual requirements with grace. Which doesn't mean it always looks pretty. Sometimes it looks downright messy and feels uncomfortable.

But accepting it all, without judgment--that's our spiritual practice! And forgiving and accepting ourselves and each other when we fall out of mindfulness and become completely mindless--that's our spiritual practice, too!

Get these books for free on Kindle Unlimited:

"I am eating the Cranberry Muffins as I type this. YUM!! I used Organic Cranberry Sauce and Camino Muscovado Brown Sugar. Absolutely Delish! Looking forward to trying more of the recipes!" Amazon review

Grandma's Recipes Go Gluten Free

"This is a sweet short read of self affirmation and unconditional love and appreciation for the human spirit brought to this planet in the form of a perfect undeniably good little girl." Amazon review

I am a good girl


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Site updated  July 19, 2024

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