Painless Parenting Strategies to Tackle the Homework Blues

As a parent, your desire to help your child succeed through different steps in life is unending. Helping your child with their homework is one of those steps, but it can quickly turn into a control battle. Your child's attitude towards homework is different from yours. Finding the right strategies can help you assist your child with their homework without coming off as a burden.

Establish a Homework Routine 

Routines are an easy way to accomplish daily tasks. Creating a regular homework routine for your child will ensure that they cultivate a sense of order. You need to sit down with your child and create a schedule for doing homework, and submitting their assignments for review. Ask your child to estimate how long each task takes and create the timetable.

 The time you set out for homework will depend on your child. Some children prefer to work on homework immediately after school when they still have momentum. Other children focus better after rest and an evening snack. Generally, FamilyEducation recommends trying to get homework done early, before dinner or nightfall, because children tend to get more tired as the evening progresses.

Incentivize Your Child

The grading system may not work as a motivator for some children. In this case, introducing a personal motivation system can work well for you. An easy way to do this is by rewarding completed homework with TV, video games, playtime with friends, or cookies. However, if that does not work, consider a more elaborate reward.

 For example, you can get them a new tablet, such as an iPad, for doing their homework well during the semester. Newer models are just as efficient as computers and have a robust system that supports video games, books, and other study programs your child can explore. If your family prefers Androids, the latest models have excellent displays and a handy S-Pen for drawing and note taking right on the screen. In addition to a new tablet, you can purchase a protective and attractive case to keep it from getting damaged.

 Tablets are a great choice since kids can use them both for work and play, so they will naturally associate good things with using them. Once you have a device selected, make sure there is a proper place for your youngster to use it.

Create a Homework Area 

Every child should have access to a well-lit study area to do homework. Most children prefer doing their assignments in their bedrooms where there are minimal distractions. Other children are comfortable working in the dining area while you cook. The choice should be dependent on an individual’s comfort and concentration.

 Keep all items your child needs for their homework close by. Their homework station should have enough space for their books, and equipment such as drawing pencils, paint and brushes, glue and calculators. Try to create storage space for their books to keep all their school items organized. If they are using a tablet, have a charging station close to avoid as much movement as possible.

Know When To Step Back 

While it is okay to be helpful, Sylvan Learning explains it’s important to avoid being overwhelming.  You need to give children space to figure out their homework before coming to you for help. By creating a positive working environment, your child will know that they should work on their homework, do their research, but is still in a position to approach you for answers.

 Homework is an integral part of your child's growth. As a parent, helping your child with homework is an opportunity to bond and encourage growth. By setting schedules, motivating your children, providing a work area, and exercising caution, your child will work on their homework as expected.

Image via Pixabay

Article Contributed By: Emily from

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